Protocol for the HCG Diet is pretty simple, each day you get two servings of protein, two servings of fruit, two servings of vegetables and two Melba toast. We get a lot of clients wondering if it’s possible for vegetarians to do the HCG Diet because of the restrictions on the types of food you can eat. The good news is yes, vegetarians can safely do the HCG Diet. Here’s everything vegetarians need to know about adjusting the protocol to go meatless.
HCG Diet For Vegetarians
Doing the HCG Diet for Vegetarians can be tricky to figure out at first. There are limited choices when it comes to what you can have for your servings of protein. Some of those choices are better than other. That being said, once you do figure out a routine that works for you, you’ll start seeing the results.
Protein Options
Eggs – Eggs are allowed on teh HCG Diet for vegetarians and non-vegetarians. A serving of eggs on the HCG Diet is 1 hole egg and 3 egg whites.
Cottage Cheese – Fat free cottage cheese can be used as a protein serving on the HCG Diet. A serving of cottage cheese is 100 grams. Cottage cheese should be used sparingly on the HCG Diet because it can cause stalls. The first time you try it, monitor your weight carefully. If it causes you to going, you’ll know that you’ll want to choose one of the other options.
Non-Breaded Boca/Morning Star veggie or black bean burgers – There are several different kinds of veggie patties out there, but most of the positive feedback we’ve heard from clients is the results they see when they eat the non-breaded veggie or black bean burngers from Boca and Morning Star. These can be one of your staples unlike cottage cheese. They don’t seem to give too many problems as far as slowing weight loss down or causing stalls. Just make sure you get the non-breaded kind.
Approved Protein Shakes – The approved protein shakes from are also allowed on Phase 2 of the HCG Diet for vegetarians. They are one of the fastest options because the protein mixes with water. Each serving contains 8-10 grams of protein, and they will definitely help you feel full throughout the day.
Tofu – Tofu is also allowed on the HCG Diet in moderation. A serving of Tofu is 100 grams. Tofu, like cottage cheese needs to be watched carefully because it can cause stalls for some people.
A note about Soy Products
Eating soy products like tofu can slow down weight loss on the HCG Diet. While they aren’t prohibited, we do recommend eating them in moderation. Soy produces estrogen which can affect they way your body burns fat. Typically people who limit their tofu to once or twice per week avoid stalls, but results vary person to person.
Because the vegetarian adds foods like veggie burgers, tofu and cottage cheese, clients may not see the same results as people who are sticking strictly to the original protocol, however we have had vegetarian clients lose a considerable amount of weight with the HCG Diet. Weight loss with the HCG, even as a vegetarian is usually faster than diet and exercise alone.