Control Your Hunger on The HCG Diet
Teaching your body to control your hunger can be super tricky when starting the HCG diet. Here is a great infographic to help you with some simple tips to fighting those hunger pains. Simple Tips [...]
Slow Cooker Cabbage Soup
SERVINGS: 14 CUPS SLOW COOKER CABBAGE SOUP PREP TIME: 15 MINS COOK TIME: 5 HRS TOTAL TIME: 5 HRS 15 MINS Cabbage Soup is a great fall time recipe! It’s vibrant, healthy and totally delicious. [...]
Is HCG Just A New Fad Diet
If you’re new to the HCG Diet, you’ve probably heard a lot of different things about whether the diet works or not, whether it’s safe, and whether it’s just water packaged in a way to scam [...]
Why “A One Size Fits All” Approach To Exercise May Be Hampering Your Weight Loss Goals
We constantly see ads for the “perfect workout plan,” but is there such a thing? The simple answer is no. Everyone is different, so what may work for one person may not work for another. That’s [...]
Comparing HCG Diet Hormones
Homeopathic vs. Regular HCG Hormones HCG stands for Human Chorionic Gonadotrophin, and is a natural hormone created by the human body. The main purpose of the hormone HCG, is to help nourish a [...]
The Ultimate HCG Diet Plan
HCG Treatment Warnings Before diving into the process of HCG treatment, the various phases, and how the diet works, it is important to understand the warnings and guidelines to keep dieters safe. [...]
HCG Diet Food List
Basics of HCG Approved Food List While on the HCG diet, Dr. Simeons explains in his protocol that a strict diet of 500 calories a day is necessary in order to see the full effects of the HCG [...]
6 Ways to Stay Fit Year-Round
The gym’s too crowded; It’s too cold outside for a run; I forgot my iPod (or even a hair tie). There are endless excuses to avoid workouts, but they all stem from the same issue. With these kinds [...]
156 HCG Diet Recipes for Maximum Weight Loss
HCGDiet.com is a US-based diet company dedicated to helping everyday people lose weight and keep it off. Providing HCG diet drops, diet accessories and tools to guarantee success, and free diet [...]